Advancing optimal health development across different geographic, economic, and demographic contexts.

Interventions to support health development and well-being must account for the unique needs and circumstances of children and families. It is essential that interventions are designed to maximize impact on health and development to ensure their effectiveness.


Photograph of three parents playing with their children.

Core Leadership

The Core will:

  1. Develop toolkits for researchers and MCH practitioners and program leaders, translating key findings into actionable products;
  2. Convene translational researchers, community intervention practitioners, and funders to consider new ways of bundling the core components of effective interventions, co-adapted with families, youth, and communities.


Arnold Chandler; Striving and Thriving: A Life Course Trade-Off?. Pediatrics May 2022; 149 (Supplement 5): e2021053509Q. 10.1542/peds.2021-053509Q