Shirley Ann Russ MB ChB (Hons), MPH, MD is the Senior Project Scientist for the HRSA-MCHB funded Life Course Translational Research Network whose National Coordinating Center (NCC) is at UCLA Center for Children, Families
& Communities. Initially trained as a pediatrician in the UK and Australia with a special interest in child development, she implemented and evaluated a statewide hearing screening program for which she was a corecipient of the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation’s Research into Practice Award. She served as an Attending Physician at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles achieving the rank of Clinical Professor of Pediatrics. She coedited a Pediatrics Supplement on Improving the System of Care for Infants and Children with Early Hearing Loss, and co-chaired three national NICHQ learning collaboratives with a focus on improving the quality of whole systems of care for children with hearing loss and children with epilepsy across the US. She worked with Neal Halfon on a series of studies related to life course health including considering future directions for the Life Course Health Development approach and on the Life Course Research Network. She authored the chapter on a Life Course Approach to Hearing Health in the Handbook of Life Course Health Development and co-edited the LCIRN Pediatrics Supplement on Life Course Intervention Research.
Education and Degree(s)
- MB ChB (Hons)
- MD