Examples From the Field: Case Studies from three California communities
Starting Smart and Strong communities: Oakland, Fresno, and East San Jose

Starting Smart and Strong Communities in California - Fresno, Oakland and East San Jose
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation's Starting Smart and Strong Initiative, which began roughly a decade ago, focused on Kindergarten Readiness, with an aim to “develop and test solutions that support parents, caregivers, and educators as they prepare children to be health and ready for school, with self confidence and a love of learning.” The Foundation selected three California communities, Oakland, Fresno, and East San Jose, to engage in this effort to bring together public and private supporters to create early learning networks, test and develop solutions, and take collective action to create lasting change.
The Foundation also partnered with the Data Informed Futures (DIF) team at UCLA's Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities to support their three selected California communities in utilizing data about the status of children's well-being in their community to inform their planning, improvement and collective impact efforts. The three communities implemented the Early Development Instrument and used the data to explore with their communities how well early childhood systems of services, programs, and policies were supporting young children and their families.
These communities engaged local coalitions and planning councils, parent groups and city government to examine the data and tell their own story behind the data. They used the results to inform the location of Play and Learn Groups as well as where to support new Head Start classrooms. The data also was used to monitor the progress of their local efforts and form action plans at the district and community level. One community, Oakland, incorporated the data into their own local dashboard.
The report summarizes the lessons learned and the ways these three communities have leveraged the data collected using the EDI and brought the data to help inform and catalyze action within their respective areas.
Download the Starting Smart and Strong: Leveraging Data, Catalyzing Action Report
About Examples from the Field
Examples from the Field is a series of stories and case studies from communities that partner with the Data Informed Futures team that explores how communities use population-level measures on children’s well-being throughout the life course. A series of case studies is featured in our brief, Equity from the Start.
Explore the full Equity from the Start Brief
About Data Informed Futures
An initiative of the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Data Informed Futures (previously TECCS) offers unique, neighborhood-level data and mapping – throughout the course of a child’s life – that reveal geographic patterns of disparity and resilience. Since 2012, Data Informed Futures has helped over 90 different local communities in more than 18 states.
Our new, integrated suite of linked data tools provides a comprehensive picture and understanding of children’s development and well-being from pre-K through middle school. This data, along with our support and coaching, enable community leaders and partners to conceive, “sell” and implement meaningful changes that improve children’s health and well-being. To learn more about our work and impact, please visit healthychild.ucla.edu/datainformedfutures.
Learn more about Data Informed Futures