Examples from the Field: Sustaining Attention to Children’s Well-being
El Monte, CA

El Monte, CA: El Monte began collecting EDI data in 2013 to use it to inform collective efforts to improve child well-being across multiple partners. Armed with these data and an active cross-sector effort, they saw a steady pre-COVID decline in the percentage of children showing vulnerability in one or more domains of development. Partners have regularly met and implemented complementary strategies that improve programming, investments, and targeted supports.
- The school district incorporated lessons into their parent program to focus on the areas
of development where children across El Monte were demonstrating weakness. They also used the data to inform the district’s Universal Prekindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten plans as well as the focus of their before and after school programs. - At the city level, EDI data were used to identify Little Library locations and community investment decisions. Sharing EDI data has also been used to inform intentional support for children 0-5 at city events, including back- to-school programs and the Children’s Day parades that traditionally focused exclusively on school-age children.
- The EDI results also prompted the local El Monte Promise Foundation to develop a 0-5 Roadmap to success.
El Monte has now started to utilize the MDI to monitor how children are progressing during their early adolescent years and gain insight into their experiences both in and outside of school.
About Examples from the Field
Examples from the Field is a series of stories and case studies from communities that partner with the Data Informed Futures team that explores how communities use population-level measures on children’s well-being throughout the life course. This series of case studies is featured in our brief, Equity from the Start.
Explore the full Equity from the Start Brief
About Data Informed Futures
An initiative of the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Data Informed Futures (previously TECCS) offers unique, neighborhood-level data and mapping – throughout the course of a child’s life – that reveal geographic patterns of disparity and resilience. Since 2012, Data Informed Futures has helped over 90 different local communities in more than 18 states.
Our new, integrated suite of linked data tools provides a comprehensive picture and understanding of children’s development and well-being from pre-K through middle school. This data, along with our support and coaching, enable community leaders and partners to conceive, “sell” and implement meaningful changes that improve children’s health and well-being. To learn more about our work and impact, please visit healthychild.ucla.edu/datainformedfutures.