Shiraz de Vreede
Graduate Student Researcher
Shiraz is a graduate student in the Social Sciences and Comparative Education program at UCLA's School of Education and Information Science. Her research investigates early childhood ecosystems in cross-cultural and intentional contexts with a particular focus on the de/commodification of pre-primary (0-5) education and care infrastructure. In 2020, she earned her bachelor's in Peace and Conflict Studies from UC Berkeley, where she specialized in International Political Economy and earned a minor in Global Poverty and Practice. Beyond academics, Shiraz has over a decade of experience in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), supporting preschool classrooms, families, and children before, during, and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Shiraz loves working with children and building community through her research. Through and beyond her research, she hopes to continue raising visibility around the fundamental importance of ECEC systems and work of early childhood educators.